The never ending wonder...
My name is Karin Szivacsek, I live currently in Pöllau/ Austria and I am in aliveness, freedom and love a human being- beyond any roles or concepts.
If I would define myself I could call me a quite introvert, creative explorer of consciousness and life, a mindful forever practitioner and companion, mentor and trainer for myself- and people who want to live and create a more aware, connected, joyous, resilient, serene and self-efficient Life.
My own life lead me in different places, connecting me with different people and spending time with them, in areas such as a Marketing Agency, Martial Arts, horsepolo, Yoga and Tantric communities and in the Tango Argentino area.
Exactly because of this immensely different areas, experiences and people, through our individuality and uniqueness, I could see a fabric which connects all- it’s what it is to be a human being and what it is that makes a major difference how we experience ourselves and reality.
It is about slowing down, mindfulnes and consciousness. The present moment. It’s about feeling, sensing and then join that with thinking. It’s to encounter life freshly in every moment. It is not just about an outer but also an inner journey, exploring landscapes, getting known to them, it’s about direct perception and inner connection. It's to come from thinking and doing more into being. And acting from there. It is about strengthening our capacities for relaxation, love, connection, courage and joy within the continuous changes, ups and downs, lights and shades, life includes. More than 12 years ago this shift started and I started to not only understand every moment as the teacher, the fuel for growth and expansion, but explored and searched also what it needs, what I can do, to cope with this enormous, sometimes overwhelming & hard, marvellous, mysterious, unfolding wonder life and thus us is.
And as I know too- Sometimes having experienced company on this journey is priceless!
In love and freedom

Who are you?
Certainly a marvelous human being and as sure the expert of yourself!
Nevertheless, though being aware is available to everyone, it's often easier together and there are certain persons for whom my offers could fit wonderfully and who would thus benefit the most from going on this journey together. I'll be honored and happy to accompany you on this adventure!
Check on the right if you find yourself in one of the examples or in a mix of it.
Wanting to find simple techniques to cope better with Stress or reduce stress
Wanting to implement a regular practice into daily life to be more at ease, joyous and higher in frequency & energy
Wanting to get known to myself more deeply and care about my body, emotions, heart and spirit.
Wanting to balance my nervous system, burn- out prevention, having better sleep and be more calm.
Am a high performance person, wanting to be more focused, more relaxed and more clear before and during performance
I am very successful,everything is fine, I re-present "great life" but feel strangely empty deep within, joy and feeling vibrantly alive being absent.
My mind is a chatting, restless monkey, I want to find more calm and space for him and want to- feel more!
Am a curious person, wanting to explore myself, the world and possibility

Rebelleheart - what's that?
To be from your all your heart in courage. To be who you are, authentic. To dare to face stillness within the noise. To step out of comfortzones or the "known"- and grow and shine. Even if you burn to ashes you will rise from them as fuller you, graciously. To fall in love with yourself and life. To live fully and expand in the heart of your awareness and potential.
Inspirations & Education
"Every moment is the teacher" is a saying from Buddhist Yoko Beck I totally agree with and living by that day by day.
But of course there are concrete Educations and Inspirations I strongly practice and use in my mentoring and training to empower you to find trust in your own deep wisdom.
Check on the right to know more...
Certified Yoga Teacher 200RYT with US teacher Tara Judelle
Mindfulness & Relaxation Trainer, GESU Institute
5 Modules of 7 Shiatsu Practitioner at ESI Austria Institute
Continuous practice of Kashmirian Yoga as taught by Daniel Odier
Being fascinated and inspired by all the marvelous insideout connections of being (human) , being interested and trying out various approaches.
- 14 years Martial Arts Experience (Kickboxing, Muay Thai, basics of Shaolin KungFu & Qi Gong)
- Neuroscience and Quantumphysic meet Meditation: Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Mindfulness and Open Awareness, Buddhismn: Thich Nhat Than, Pema Chodrön
- Nervous System: Peter Levine
- Relationship Science: The Gottman Institute
- Nature and Animals, respectively horses
- ...and much more, staying curious and ever learning...